Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thrifty Finds

Reide, my youngest and I went out today to do a little grocery shopping and we just can't help but stop by the thrift store while we are out. So I wanted to share with you my little thrift finds. I can't wait to revamp all these goodies. I got all this stuff for $24. I had to buy my son a couple of stuffed animals for being so good on our shopping spree. But my total for everything today was $24.
2 Mason Jar lamps $2 each
Wood Handle tray $4
3 Wall ledges $5 for the set
Mason jar w/lemons inside $1.50
Bigger Jar with wooden lid $1.50
Set of 3 glass jars $3
Shells were $6 (but I had a $10 off coupon for all my items so I sort of got them for free, thats how I justified buying them.)
2 Brown Plush Pillows were $.50 each
Wooden Toilet paper holder (thats what i'm using it for) $1.50
Birds $1 for the set

Oh how I love the thrift store!!!! Any recent goodies you have found? I would love to see.


  1. score!
    i so need to get my "thrift" on. i haven't been in a couple of weeks. it has been so cold & with the twins in tow - it isn't easy when it is cold.

    anxious to see what you do with the mason jars. i like the mason lights too!

    happy weekend.

  2. Kellie, I remember those days. Our oldest are twins and it sure can be challenging especially in a thrift store. I started spray painting the tops of the mason jars last night. Now got to figure out what to do with that shades.
    Have a great weekend! Missy

  3. what a haul! all that for $24. I am so envious of you gal back east. I am originally for the Sacramento area but now live closer to LA. Our thrift prices are going thru the roof. I guess with more people trying cut back they figure they can charge more and get it. I paid $50 for a round coffee table yesterday at Goodwill. They last two I bought there were 12-20$. I can't wait to see what you do with all the items you got. Please keep us posted.
