Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back to the Laundry Room

So last week I was thinking about the walls in my laundry room. Everyone seems to have very light laundry room. I'm sure so you can see all the wonderful spots and stains their families make on their clothes. Well I have a hard time with white or light colored walls. I don't feel comfortable in those rooms. So I was thinking about this awesome color we have in our kitchen, it's called "Baked Bean" by Pittsburgh paints. I love it. It's like a reddish orange color. From our kitchen you can see into the laundry/ mud room so I thought it would look nice to have the back wall & wall behind the washer and dryer the Baked Bean color. So when you look down that way to the laundry room it just flows. I had 3/4 of a can so why not? Then the opposite walls still a tan so they could bounce light back on the red color. Well, it was dark. Crap...it was way dark.

So my hubby mentioned a track light. Ugg, do you know how ugly track lights are? Well I thought they were until I went to Home Depot last week. I spotted the coolest one right away. Not a bad price either $59. So I bought it!!! I couldn't wait for Greg to get home and put it up. He was tired but did it anyway for me. Such a good guy! Check out his head lamp. That's his new toy he got at HD. He's been fixing all sort of things around the house with that thing. Too cute! He's pretty proud of it.

And my new Track Light!!!!! TADA! It's so bright! It doesn't look that way in the photos but it really is. I wish I had this a long time ago. It gives off a bright natural light. I just love it!

Then our other project this weekend was TILE! Oh the tile. It's been a year since we finished the tile from our entry to the kitchen. We stopped at the laundry room because spring came and you just want to be outside. Well, the previous owners of this house put 2x2 tiles EVERYWHERE in the house. So pulling up all those tile has been quite a pain in the butt. We still have to get rid of them upstairs as well. So Greg finally got all of them pulled up in the back storage room on Saturday. Yippee. I didn't think we would get any tile down this weekend but we did. We got a lot further than we thought.

Tile gone. Notice my new light?

Tile going down. Greg will be so mad that I posted a photo of him in his overalls. LOL. They do help with Plumbers Crack. HAHA!

So I plans are to put some cabinets up on both sides of the window and then get some front load washers so I can have counter top to fold laundry. That's one project that is in the works and should be completed soon. Stick around for the finished results in a few weeks. Does anyone have front load washer suggestions? Any brand or options that are better than others?

Thanks for reading. Have a great day!


  1. Love those lights!!! Seriously - way cute! At least you have a laundry room. lol I have a spot in the basement that's just plain pathetic. lol

    Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  2. I sooo have to get Matt a headlamp and pair of overalls!
    The laundry room looks awesome! I love the red wall!
