Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sorry I was away.

We had a wonderful week last week up until the weekend. Read at the bottom of this post for the bad part of the weekend. My twins Gabe and Blake had a music concert at their school. It was a very proud day for me, being a mom. I wondered if they would ever have a concert like this. It was just for the first and second graders. The theme was All Around the Barnyard. Gabe chose to be a duck and Blake was a cow. Look how cute!

Then the weekend came. We planned on finishing up the tile. Which we did. It looks fabulous by the way. Now I just have to seal it. I also painted the back storage room next to the laundry room. We used to keep our dog Max's crate in there. It was like his own little room, but it took up so much space. Now I I plan on trying to be more organized and keep it nice and tidy back there. We have so much storage space in this house we just don't use it right. Our old home had ZERO. Thats why we bought this house. Lots of storage. Except for our tiny kitchen & master bath. But that's another blog post.

The tile being grouted. See the crazy cat watching Greg on the washing machine. She is SO nosey!

The storage room. Max looking at me like, "what the heck you doing to my room?" See the old previous owner wall color. It just not my color. I'm the boring brown kind of gal.

Saturday night we let the boys have a sleepover in Reide's room (our youngest). Gabe woke up in the middle of the night puking everywhere. That's when it all started. It is now Wednesday and Reide started throwing up last night. It has ran it's course through all of us. Except my husband Greg. I really hope he doesn't get it. I haven't felt that horrible in years. Yuck! Hope everyone is happy and healthy out there. Have a great day!

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