I started a compost pile a few months ago and just haven't been around to post. I kept waiting for my husband to help me out to make the perfect bin or spot. Well I couldn't wait any longer once I read Kelly Miller's post from the
Tidy Brown Wren. Here is her post about
Compost: making black gold in your own backyard. When I was researching on the Internet everyone kept saying you needed some sort of bin to turn it. Well those bins are quite expensive. Money I don't want to spend. Kelly's tips and advice are perfect for anyone who has a little 4 x 4 spot they could start a compost pile in. So I went out the next day (without my husband) and found some logs that were cut from trees we had down and sectioned off a spot with them. It's been a fun experience seeing everything break down. I have been teaching my boys about composting too. They like to help throw all the scraps in the pile.

As far as storing your scraps to throw in the pile I just use a big ice cream bucket that has a lid. Works great for me and I can store it under the kitchen sink. Kelly also has another post about a
compost bin she keeps under her sink. Hers is very cute and made for composting. Thank you Kelly for all the tips and advice.
Here a a few peeks at some plants that are in my backyard garden around our fire pit. I started a lot of these from seed last year or a few years before.

Peony Tree I bought online. This was the first year it flowered after having it for two years. I bought it for $5 because it was an unknown variety. The flowers were so huge. Look how big they are next to my hand. I have pretty big hands with long fingers. Amazing.

Rustic Colors Rudbeckia from seed, Pixie Meadowbrite Coneflower from seed.

This is what it looks like right now. Rustic Colors Rudbeckia, Pixie Meadowbrite coneflower, Shasta Daisy, Snowdrift sage, Hosta, Limelite Hydrangea in the back, and more goodies throughout. A bit messy but I guess that's just the type of gardener I am. Plus the rain just squashed everything in a past month. Any tips on getting everything propped up again?

I will post some more photos later this week. I hope Kelly has inspired you to make a compost pile. She sure inspired me.